Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Cuban Missile Crisis

The past few days in class, we've been investigating specific aspects of the Cuban missile crisis.  We've each read individual letters from people like Kennedy, Khrushchev, and Castro.  My letter was from Castro to Khrushchev explaining Castro's thoughts on a possible US invasion on the island.  It was thanking the USSR for their past help and asking for more assistance as the situation played out.  It was really cool to ask around to different people in the classroom and talk about the connections between your two articles.  First, we would look at the date and how far apart they were -- usually under a week.  Next, who it was to and from -- most of them had at least one person in common (Castro, Kennedy, or Khrushchev).

Today, we made a timeline so that it was easier to visualize the events as they happened instead of just talking to people.  It was so cool to look, chronologically, and see which events triggered which other events and how they were all intertwined.  Which letters were sent to whom and when they were responded to.  In addition, each of the little summaries told a small part of the story which, when combined, gave a pretty good outline of the whole situation.  I think it is important to get every major event, and there are some that are not covered by the letters read in class -- so I think that we should, as a class, go over the timeline to see if anything appears to be "missing".  If we do spot something, Mr. Moran could let us know if there was actually an important event there or not.

I really like activities like this that we do in class.  It provides us with a lot of knowledge while making it fun at the same time.  Keep it up!

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