Monday, December 5, 2011

Character Bio

I am a thirty-nine-year-old woman who moved to Tehran a while back because my husband was a farmer and he couldn't make a profit on what he was doing so we had to sell the farm and move into the city.  We have to live in the slums because his income is too low for us to live in a nice part of town.  Even so, I like the city better than I do the countryside.  My husband occasionally brings me recordings of sermons by Ayatollah Khomeini and other anti-government people.  I presume that I have turned anti-government because of these and because of my economic status versus other people in the country.  Naturally, If I am poor, I am going to blame it on somebody else -- most likely the country's leader.  The government affects me in a number of ways.

1.  I am poor -- this is probably because of something that the government did.
2.  I am a woman -- society (and therefore the government) prevent me from doing anything substantial with my life.
3.  I don't/can't have a job.  This might be because all of the jobs are taken away to put more people into the oil industry and away from the other thing that our country naturally provides (which isn't much)
4.  I am probably constantly harassed by the SAVAK because of my economic status.  They probably take a bunch of my stuff and mess it up.

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