Thursday, December 1, 2011

Operation Carlota

In the early 60's, cuba had an interesting foreign policy which angered the United States.  It was to  "promote socialist revolutions around the world."  Basically, wherever there was a country in need, Cuba would be there to help them up and guide them on the road to communism.  Cuban communism, that is -- which is different from other types of communism like USSR communism.  Cuban communism focused more on the rural aspects of life rather than the urban ones.  I don't really know any more details on that subject though.

Anyway, in class we focused on one aspect of this in the early 60's called Operation Carlota that was particularly prominent  in history.  Operation Carlota took place in Angola, a country in Africa.  They had just overcome been granted their independence and had absolutely no government left behind.  Cuba saw this as the perfect opportunity to take Angola "under its wing".  Cuba's main goal in invading Angola was to have the country follow in the footsteps of Cuba's government and to continue to spread communism throughout the world.  They thought that Africa would be a good place to start, I guess.

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